Friday, January 9, 2009

Friends? Apparently not.

Have you ever had one of those friends that you think you can trust with anything? One that you thought wouldn't turn on you no matter what? One to not laugh at you when all the rest are laughing? Yeah, well I have many friends that I can trust and depend on for many things, but two suddenly showed me a very different side of them that I had never seen before. These two guys are (were) amazing and great friends. But as soon as shit happens with "him", they totally don't even care if they're doing anything to hurt me at all. They're just his little followers. They sit and laugh. Purposly knowing hat I know they're doing it. They do things along with him to get on my nerves.
Urgh! The one person hurts me the most. He and I were really close and all he does now, is obey "him". They've all turned into such dicks. They sit in class today laughing at me. I just wanted to scream, "FUCK OFF!" but I thought twice. It probably wasn't the best time for that.
They seriously don't get it, none of them do. They think it's just some harmless teasing going on right? Well they haven't been through it all as many times, and as many hard times like me. I must have a sign on me saying "I'm an easy target" or something. Because they all seem to aim at me.
Well, now that I've lost two friends and lost "him", it just makes life great.
flirtygirl. ( L ) xx.

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