Sunday, January 4, 2009

New year! :)

So, the New Year has finally come around. This is the time of year where people dedicate themselves to silly resolutions, stick to them for about a month and then give up on what they've started.
Me, well, I don't normally make resolutions, but this year... Well, this year's different, so I decided to give it a shot for once. The funny thing with the resolution I made is that it's sort of out of my control. In a way.
I decided that I'm not going to plan out everything in my head like it's a fairytale world. I always do that, which is pretty stupid because I just set myself up for disappointment.
My original resolution was to not fall for a guy that will never feel the same way. But then I realized, that's even more out of my control then the one I'm sticking to now is.
So, I'm not quite sure how long I'll be able to stick to this, but I'll try... And that's all that counts, right?
Toodles for now. ( L ) xx.

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