Monday, December 15, 2008

Rumour or Truth?

So, my friend just told me that I have been led on once again.
Surprise, surprise.
I'm not sure what to believe or what not to believe anymore... Everything's so confusing, especially him. He's so hard to follow. One minute it feels as if nothing else in the world matters, and then at other times it's like, why is he so mean? I've noticed that he has different personalities around different people. I'm not sure if I'm just thinking that or if it's actually true.
But anyways, so yeah, apparently, he led me on and here I am, left to heal all by myself once again. I've done it before, so doing it again won't be too bad.
Anyhoo, yes. I am on the computer, and I shouldn't be... Woops.
So I guess I should go.
Bye. ( U ) xx.

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