Monday, December 22, 2008


okay well this is a really big bummer.
Now i don't get my computer back until late January!
That means i cant talk to ANY of my friends over the Christmas break, i know... how suckish.
Another bummer...
I haven't seen "the guy" since last Thursdaaay. So yeeeah, I'm pretty much missing him to death. The only upside to this time of year is that Chirstmas is in three days. JEEZ! Why does Christmas break have to last so long!? I wish there could be an all day recess at schooool!
UUURRRGGGHHH!!! I neeeeed to see him, I miss him so flippppin' much!
I'm gunnna gooo, and make a bag of popcorn ;D
toodles... ( L ) xx.

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